Kazaridaru - Decorative Barrels of Japanese Sake (Rice Wine)
According to Shinto tradition, sake (rice wine) is believed to bring the Gods and mortals closer together and bring happiness. The tradition continues today with sake brewers donating empty barrels with each company's particular brand to pray for a good rice harvest. Some barrels full of sake, however, are shipped to shrines for use in religious ceremonies such as weddings, or served at festivals and other celebratory events. The barrels can also be bought by the general public for about 100,000 yen (approx. 900 dollars) for 72 liters (19 gallons) of sake.
ISO 1600 at ƒ/14 for 1/800 sec.
#Japanese #traditional #shrine #sake #barrel #ricewine #Shinto #ceremonial #sacred #container #straw #rope #brewer #rice #wine #holy #offering
#日本の文化 #伝統的 #神社 #酒樽 #お酒 #神道 #儀式用 #神聖
Crows on a Power Line
A murder of crows eyeing scraps of food on a street below in Kamakura, Japan.
The Kamakura coastline is densely packed with small homes and apartments built on spare land tucked in between steep hills that form a jagged landscape. These hills are thickly covered with trees and vegetation where crows can safely nest and raise their young while flying over to human habitats to scavenge for kitchen scraps put out on the street on garbage pick-up day, or to clean up after tourists who drop bits of food that they bought at one of the many food stalls set up for festivals held at Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura.
ISO 1600 at ƒ/16 for 1/1000 sec.
#crow #bird #black #raven #wire #sky #beaks #talons #wings #crows #birds #ravens #feathers
#烏 #カラス #黒 #電線 #空 #くちばし #爪 #翼

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