Nice Catch!
Spent an evening last October at a big park in Kawasaki where there were hardly any people around, which gave me the chance to play Frisbee with Dale-chan. It was really hard to throw the disk and then try to focus in time to catch while she is mid-air trying to catch her Frisbee.
ISO 800 at ƒ/4.5 for 1/400 sec.
#dog #pet #BorderCollie #Frisbee
#犬 #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー #フリスビー #ディスクキャッチ
Although the so-called golden hour and blue hour are great for landscape photography, I have learned that such low-light conditions make it real tough to get a tack-sharp photo of a dog quickly flying through the air. Will have to try this kind of shot again during the afternoon under a clear sky and a wider aperture.
ISO 800 at ƒ/4.5 for 1/640 sec.
#dog #pet #BorderCollie #Frisbee #disc #disk
#犬 #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー #フリスビー #ディスクキャッチ #ディスク
Happy Border Collie
A dog and her disc.
ISO 800 at ƒ/4.5 for 1/250 sec.
#dog #pet #BorderCollie #Frisbee #disc #disk
#犬 #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー #フリスビー #ディスクキャッチ #ディスク
Finally found a use for the app on my phone that allows me to change settings and take shots on the camera while mounted to a tripod. After several attempts, I gave up trying to get her head centered perfectly. Every time I moved the disk, she would move and get out of focus or lunge for the disk. In the end, we had fun just throwing the disk and catching it mid-air.
ISO 400 at ƒ/5.6 for 1/60 sec.
#dog #pet #BorderCollie #Frisbee #disc #disk
#犬 #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー #フリスビー #ディスクキャッチ #ディスク

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