A commuter train on the Tokyu-Toyoko Line pulling into Futako-Tamagawa Station, which sits on Tokyo side of Tama River. Tama River overflowed her banks during the onslaught of Typhoon Hagibis this last October. The local citizens and government have worked hard to restore this area of Setagaya Ward (Tokyo) back to a sense of normalcy. Aside from plastic garbage stuck in the tops of a few trees, and huge mounds of mud and natural debris, the parks along the river’s edge have been restored and cleaned. Many elderly were out on a stroll, young families were flying kites, owners were walking their dogs, and joggers were out running along the river bank this cold and cloudy day.
ISO 800 at ƒ/8 for 1/400 sec.
#train #TokyuToyoko #TamaRiver #FutakoTamagawa #SetagayaTokyo #Japan #電車 #東急東横線 #多摩川 #二子玉川駅 #世田谷区 #PentaxKP
Originally built in 1910, the “Former Shimizu Shoin Cottage” was dismantled and reassembled by the Shimizu Corporation for use at the Futako-Tamagawa Park as a public service to help preserve artifacts of Japan’s architectural heritage. The cottage was originally used by a Shimizu executive over 100 years ago and was built using Japanese hemlock and mulberry--trees that have sadly become rare after old-growth forests were clear-cut for lumber during the post-WWII reconstruction period.
ISO 12800 at ƒ/32 for 1/30 sec.
#JapaneseHouse #TraditionalArchitecture #TamaRiver #FutakoTamagawaPark #Setagaya #Tokyo #Japan #旧清水家住宅書院 #二子玉川公園 #多摩川 #世田谷区 #東京 #PentaxKP
Futako-Tamagawa Park features Kishin-en Garden, a Japanese-style garden that has taken on a more modern design allowing for easy access by the elderly, moms with strollers, and folks in wheelchairs.
ISO 400 at ƒ/4.5 for 1/100 sec.
#garden #pond #JapaneseStyleGarden #FutakoTamagawaPark #Setagaya #Tokyo #Japan #帰真園 #二子玉川公園 #世田谷区 #東京 #PentaxKP

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