Rapeseed flowers in full bloom under a species of cherry tree blossoms called kawazu-zakura, which are famous for blooming earlier than the more common somei-yoshino cherry trees.
Pentax KP 78 mm ISO 100 at ƒ/9 for 1/100 sec. No filter.
#MiuraKaiganSakuraFestival #MiuraKaiganCherryBlossomFestival #MiuraKaigan #SakuraMatsuri #SakuraFestival #CherryBlossomFestival #Sakura #CherryBlossom #Festival #CherryBlossomViewing #KeikyuLine #KawazuZakura #RapeseedFlower #BrassicaNapus #spring #Japan
#三浦海岸桜まつり #三浦海岸 #桜まつり #桜 #祭り #花見 #京急線 #河津桜 #菜の花
Commercial license, framed prints, and canvasses: pix4japan.picfair.com
Rapeseed flowers in full bloom under a species of cherry tree blossoms called kawazu-zakura, which are famous for blooming earlier than the more common somei-yoshino cherry trees.
Pentax KP 48 mm ISO 100 at ƒ/9 for 1/80 sec. No filter.
#MiuraKaiganSakuraFestival #MiuraKaiganCherryBlossomFestival #MiuraKaigan #SakuraMatsuri #SakuraFestival #CherryBlossomFestival #Sakura #CherryBlossom #Festival #CherryBlossomViewing #KeikyuLine #KawazuZakura #RapeseedFlower #BrassicaNapus #spring #Japan
#三浦海岸桜まつり #三浦海岸 #桜まつり #桜 #祭り #花見 #京急線 #河津桜 #菜の花
Commercial license, framed prints, and canvasses: pix4japan.picfair.com
Kawazu-zakura cherry blossoms on the shore of Komatsugaike Pond in Miura, Japan during the Kawazu-Zakura Cherry Blossom Festival.
Pentax KP 78mm ISO 100 at ƒ/9 for 1/100 sec. No filter.
#sakura #cherryblossoms #kawazuzakura #blossoms #bokeh #pink # petals #spring #Japan
#三浦海岸桜まつり #三浦海岸 #桜まつり #桜 #祭り #花見 #京急線 #河津桜
Commercial license, framed prints, and canvasses: pix4japan.picfair.com
Kawazu-zakura cherry blossoms on the shore of Komatsugaike Pond located on the Miura Peninsula, Japan during the Kawazu-Zakura Cherry Blossom Festival.
Pentax KP 210mm ISO 100 at ƒ/9 for 1/160 sec. No filter.
#sakura #cherryblossom #kawazuzakura #blossoms #bokeh #pink # petals #spring #Japan
#三浦海岸桜まつり #三浦海岸 #桜まつり #桜 #祭り #花見 #京急線 #河津桜
Commercial license, framed prints, and canvasses: pix4japan.picfair.com
Kawazu-zakura cherry blossoms on the shore of Komatsugaike Pond in Miura, Japan during the Kawazu-Zakura Cherry Blossom Festival.
Pentax KP 120mm ISO 100 at ƒ/9 for 1/320 sec. No filter.
#sakura #cherryblossoms #kawazuzakura #blossoms #bokeh #pink # petals #spring #Japan
#三浦海岸桜まつり #三浦海岸 #桜まつり #桜 #祭り #花見 #京急線 #河津桜
Commercial license, framed prints, and canvasses: pix4japan.picfair.com
Kawazu-zakura cherry blossoms on the shore of Komatsugaike Pond located on the Miura Peninsula, Japan during the Kawazu-Zakura Cherry Blossom Festival.
Pentax KP 300 mm ISO 500 at ƒ/11 for 1/1000 sec. No filter.
#sakura #cherryblossom #kawazuzakura #blossoms #bokeh #pink # petals #spring #Japan
#三浦海岸桜まつり #三浦海岸 #桜まつり #桜 #祭り #花見 #京急線 #河津桜
Commercial license, framed prints, and canvasses: pix4japan.picfair.com
Border Collie
Taking a rest under the cherry blossom trees among some rapeseed flowers at the Kawazu-Zakura Cherry Blossom Festival in Miura, Japan.
Pentax KP 55mm ISO 500 at ƒ/7.1 for 1/800 sec. No filter.
#bordercollie #pet #dog #pedigreed #canine #animal #purebred #blackandwhitedog #sheepdog
#ボーダーコリー #ペット #犬 #血統書付 #動物 #純血種 #牧羊犬 #愛犬
Commercial license, framed prints, and canvasses: pix4japan.picfair.com
Rapeseed flowers in full bloom surrounded by cherry tree blossoms on the Miura Peninsula, Japan.
Pentax KP 150mm ISO 500 at ƒ/10 for 1/800 sec. No filter.
#flower #rapeseed #bloom #blossom #yellow #BrassicaNapus #spring #Japan
#三浦海岸桜まつり #三浦海岸 #桜まつり #花見 #京急線 #河津桜 #菜の花
Commercial license, framed prints, and canvasses: pix4japan.picfair.com

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