Taking a rest at Honmoku Sancho Park in Naka Ward, Yokohama. The park connects numerous hilltops that once looked over the sandy beaches of Negishi Bay in what became the Port of Yokohama. With rapid development of land reclamation for urban and industrial use, the beaches have vanished. Fortunately, the park offers a great escape from the industrial and urban hum of Negishi Bay, and has preserved some of the natural habitat that has always existed in this part of Yokohama.
ISO 200 at ƒ/5.6 for 1/250 sec.
#park #dog #bordercollie #HonmokuSanchoPark #Japan #公園 #犬 #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー #本牧山頂公園 #PentaxKS2
A white Japanese anemone (aka thimbleweed or windflower) blossom at Honmoku Sancho Park in Naka Ward, Yokohama while walking the dog.
ISO 100 at ƒ/7.1 for 1/250 sec.
#flower #blossom #anemone #thimbleweed #windflower #HonmokuSanchoPark #Japan #アネモネ #白花個体 #白花 #シュウメイギク #本牧山頂公園 #PentaxKS2
A garden cosmos (or Mexican aster) growing among some grass and weeds at Honmoku Sancho Park in Naka Ward, Yokohama.
ISO 400 at ƒ/5.6 for 1/250 sec.
#GardenCosmos #MexicanAster #flower #HonmokuSanchoPark #Japan #ガーデンコスモス #メキシコのアスター #秋桜 #大春車菊 #センセーションピンキー #本牧山頂公園 #PentaxKS2
A female Joro spider (Joro-gumo), which is quite common in Japan except Hokkaido. They seem quite passive. I have never seen one try to get into the house. This one was about 20 cm (about 8 inches) from the tips of her front and back legs.
ISO 800 at ƒ/7.1 for 1/250 sec.
#spider #JoroSpider #JoroGumo #JapaneseSpider #HonmokuSanchoPark #Japan #ジョロウグモ #本牧山頂公園 #PentaxKS2
Laser-sharp focus on the Frisbee that I threw and got stuck in a tree.
ISO 400 at ƒ/4.5 for 1/200 sec.
#park #dog #bordercollie #HonmokuSanchoPark #Japan #公園 #犬 #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー #本牧山頂公園 #PentaxKS2
She is such a tomboy. More than catching sticks, she loves to play tug-of-war with anyone who has the stamina to pull and yank until the stick breaks in half.
ISO 6400 at ƒ/7.1 for 1/500 sec.
#park #dog #pet #bordercollie #HonmokuSanchoPark #Yokohama #Japan #公園 #犬 #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー #本牧山頂公園 #横浜 #PentaxKS2
High-profile container-handling gantry cranes on the docks of Honmoku Pier as seen from Honmoku Sancho Park in the Port of Yokohama. In 2013, these so-called "mega-gantry cranes" were the largest in Japan, but quickly lost that status as the size of ships increased so much to require even larger gantry cranes.
ISO 400 at ƒ/8 for 1/200 sec.
#crane #GantryCrane #ContainerCrane #HonmokuPier #HonmokuSanchoPark #Japan #クレーン #メガガントリークレーン #本牧ふ頭 #本牧山頂公園 #横浜港 #PentaxKS2

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