A musk mallow (common rose mallow?) growing on the banks of the Kurosuda-gawa River in Yokohama.
ISO 400 at ƒ/4.5 for 1/400 sec.
#muskmallow #commonrosemallow #KurosudaRiver #blossom #flower #JapanFlowers #Yokohama #黒須田川 #ジャコウアオイ #ムスクマロウ #横浜 #PentaxKP
Literally--it's just water off a duck's back. (A Japanese grey duck (karugamo) bathing in the Kurosuda River, Yokohama.
ISO 200 at ƒ/6.3 for 1/250 sec.
#duck #greyduck #karugamo #KurosudaRiver #Yokohama #カルガモ #黒須田川 #横浜 #PentaxKP
A Japanese grey duck (or possibly an eastern spot-billed duck) stretching out her wings on the Kurosuda River.
ISO 200 at ƒ/6.3 for 1/250 sec.
#duck #greyduck #karugamo #KurosudaRiver #Yokohama #カルガモ #黒須田川 #横浜 #PentaxKP
Dale-chan the border collie with razor-sharp focus on the ducks down in the river. She would be herding them if there wasn't a fence.
ISO 400 at ƒ/6.3 for 1/320 sec.
#BorderCollie #dog #pet #ボーダーコリー #愛犬 #犬 #ワンちゃん #PentaxKP
Came across this single "purple ice plant" growing at the base of an old oak tree along a narrow street winding through a hilly area of Kawasaki city.
ISO 400 at ƒ/6.3 for 1/250 sec.
#flowers #KawasakiCity #PentaxKP #pinkflowers #purpleflowers #PurpleIcePlant #アイスプラント #マツバギク #川崎市 #花 #赤紫アイスプラントの花
Alternate view of the purple ice plant growing at the base of an old oak tree in a hilly area of Kawasaki city.
ISO 400 at ƒ/6.3 for 1/250 sec.
#flowers #KawasakiCity #pinkflowers #purpleflowers #PurpleIcePlant #アイスプラント #マツバギク #川崎市 #花 #赤紫アイスプラントの花 #PentaxKP

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