The lion-dog creature (komainu in Japanese) was introduced to Japan in the 6th century from India via the Silk Road. Nowadays, the komainu are typically pairs of stone or metal statues placed outdoors near the gate of a Shinto Shrine. On some Buddhist temples, however, we can still see the heads of komainu carved of wood under the eaves of the temple. The carving in this photo was taken at the Dairin-ji Temple, which was originally founded in 1570.
Pentax KP 135 mm ƒ/5.6 for 1/200 sec. at ISO 200 with no filter.
#DairinTemple #BuddhistTemple #Dairinji #DairinjiTemple #Yokohama #Japan
#大林寺 #狛犬 #長津田 #緑区 #横浜 #木造建築 #お寺
Sanmon Gate
The original gate to the Dairin Temple was built in the 17th century and subsequently destroyed by several fires. The current version was rebuilt in 2008.
Pentax KP 18mm ISO 200 at ƒ/8 for 1/400 sec. No filter.
#JiunzanGate #DairinjiTemple #TempleGate #BuddhistTemple #JapaneseArchitecture #Yokohama #Japan
#慈雲山 #大林寺 #大林寺山門 #長津田 #緑区 #横浜 #木造建築 #お寺
Japanese Wooden Statue
Face of a nearly 6-foot tall wooden statue called Kongorikishi at the Dairin-ji Temple in Yokohama. The statues are always in pairs and represent Alpha & Omega, Beginning & End, or Birth & Death. Originally Hindu gods, they were adopted into Buddhism and are guardians of many Buddhist temples in Japan.
Pentax KP 78mm ISO 200 at ƒ/5.6 for 1/160 sec. No filter.
#NioGuardian #BenevolentKing #KongoRikishi #DairinjiTemple #TempleGate #BuddhistTemple #Yokohama #Japan
#仁王 #金剛力士 #大林寺 #大林寺山門 #長津田 #緑区 #横浜 #木造建築 #お寺
Japanese Wooden Statue
From the inner courtyard of Dairin-ji Temple in Yokohama, there are two carved wooden Misshaku Kongo (密迹金剛) statues. The statues are always in pairs, and the one on the left has his mouth open to scare off demons. This guardian statue is holding a "thunderbolt" is his right hand.
Pentax KP 24 mm ISO 200 at ƒ/5 for 1/60 sec. No filter.
#NioGuardian #BenevolentKing #KongoRikishi #DairinjiTemple #TempleGate #BuddhistTemple #Yokohama #Japan
#仁王 #金剛力士 #大林寺 #大林寺山門 #長津田 #緑区 #横浜 #木造建築 #お寺

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