Tonight's photo shoot entailed visiting two different parks that have small hills where you can get high enough for a mostly unobstructed view of the bay. From street level, there are too many buildings and a huge double-decker raised expressway (highway) that blocks most of the view.
The first two shots required that I fix my tripod between a tall fence and thick tree trunk to catch the shot over the fence. Most of the shots were unusable due to slight motion of the tree caused by a light breeze. Only two shots were close to being sharp and in focus.
The third shot was a breeze to take since I planted the tripod on solid ground. Only drawback was that the bridge was so far away that I had to use a telephoto zoom lens maxed out at 300 mm.
My faithful dog was very patient with me as we scouted locations at around 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning.
It's great to visit these parks only a couple hours after midnight when there are absolutely no other people around. I can let my dog follow me around off her leash, which also frees up my hands for carrying gear.
Will have to come back to this area during the daytime to catch some shots of the greenery in the future.
Container Pier and Oil Refinery
Two berths with oil refinery tanks and mega-gantry cranes make up the Minami-Honmoku Pier as seen from Honmoku Waterfront Park.
Pentax KP 40mm ISO 100 for 30.0 sec. at ƒ/11
#cranes #gantrycrane #containercrane #pier #smokestack #coolingtower #refinery #Japan
#クレーン #メガガントリークレーン #石油精製工場 煙突 #冷却塔 #横浜港
Container Pier and Oil Refinery
Two berths with oil refinery tanks and mega-gantry cranes make up the Minami-Honmoku Pier as seen from Honmoku Waterfront Park.
Pentax KP 40mm ISO 100 for 30.0 sec. at ƒ/13
#cranes #gantrycrane #containercrane #pier #smokestack #coolingtower #refinery #Japan
#クレーン #メガガントリークレーン #石油精製工場 煙突 #冷却塔 #横浜港
Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge
Yokohama Bay Bridge--gateway to the Port of Yokohama for ships sailing in from Tokyo Bay.
Pentax KP 300mm ISO 100 for 30.0 sec. at ƒ/14
#bridge #cablestayed #YokhamaPort #YokohamaBayBridge #Yokohama #Japan
#橋 #湾 #横浜港 #横浜ベイブリッジ #横浜

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