Taking a rest among some lavender at the small Bluff 99 Garden located right across the street from the Yokohama Foreign General Cemetery.
ISO 200 at ƒ/5.6 for 1/60 sec.
#dog #pet #bordercollie #lavender #Bluff99Garden #Yokohama #犬 #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー #ラベンダー #ブラフ99ガーデン #横浜
Just one globe artichoke among many at the Harbor View Park, which is on a hill overlooking the Port of Yokohama.
ISO 200 at ƒ/6.3 for 1/60 sec.
#globeartichoke #HarborViewPark #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #アーティチョーク #港の見える丘公園 #横浜
Yokohama Bay Bridge as seen from Harbor View Park up on the bluff overlooking the Port of Yokohama.
ISO 200 at ƒ/11 for 1/125 sec.
#YokohamaBayBridge #HarborViewPark #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #横浜ベイブリッジ #港の見える丘公園 #横浜の港 #横浜
In 1859, U.S. Commodore Perry visited Yokohama and forced Japan to cease 220 years of isolation and open her ports to the west. In 1862, the Brits quickly acquired land from the Shogun to establish a military garrison of up to 1,700 soldiers and marines at what is now Harbor View Park. The Shogun allotted additional land on the Bluff to the Brits where they created parade grounds, hospitals, etc., and were first to introduce cricket and rugby to Japan.
ISO 200 at ƒ/6.3 for 1/160 sec.
#HarborViewPark #observatory #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #港の見える丘公園 #展望台 #横浜の港 #横浜
ISO 200 at ƒ/5.6 for 1/60 sec.
#dog #pet #bordercollie #lavender #Bluff99Garden #Yokohama #犬 #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー #ラベンダー #ブラフ99ガーデン #横浜
Just one globe artichoke among many at the Harbor View Park, which is on a hill overlooking the Port of Yokohama.
ISO 200 at ƒ/6.3 for 1/60 sec.
#globeartichoke #HarborViewPark #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #アーティチョーク #港の見える丘公園 #横浜
Yokohama Bay Bridge as seen from Harbor View Park up on the bluff overlooking the Port of Yokohama.
ISO 200 at ƒ/11 for 1/125 sec.
#YokohamaBayBridge #HarborViewPark #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #横浜ベイブリッジ #港の見える丘公園 #横浜の港 #横浜
In 1859, U.S. Commodore Perry visited Yokohama and forced Japan to cease 220 years of isolation and open her ports to the west. In 1862, the Brits quickly acquired land from the Shogun to establish a military garrison of up to 1,700 soldiers and marines at what is now Harbor View Park. The Shogun allotted additional land on the Bluff to the Brits where they created parade grounds, hospitals, etc., and were first to introduce cricket and rugby to Japan.
ISO 200 at ƒ/6.3 for 1/160 sec.
#HarborViewPark #observatory #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #港の見える丘公園 #展望台 #横浜の港 #横浜

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