Dock for ships offering shuttle services, tours, and luxury cruises of the Port of Yokohama. Behind the green dock is the bow of the Hikawa Maru ocean liner (retired).
ISO 200 at ƒ/11 for 1/100 sec.
#SeaBass #MarineShuttle #YamashitaPark #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #シーバス #マリーンシャトル #横浜の港 #横浜クルージング
Stern of the the NYK Hikawa Maru Yokohama ocean liner (1930 to 1960) permanently moored at Yamashita Park in Yokohama.
ISO 200 at ƒ/5.6 for 1/100 sec.
#HikawaMaru #OceanLiner #LuxuryLiner #FloatingMuseum #YamashitaPark #Yokohama #NYKHikawaMaru #氷川丸 #大洋航路定期船 #豪華客船 #山下公園 #横浜 #PentaxKS2
White hydrangea on display at Yamashita Park (Japan’s first seaside park) for the 33rd National Urban Greenery Fair (Garden Necklace Yokohama 2017).
ISO 200 at ƒ/6.3 for 1/30 sec.
#hyderangea #whitehydrangea #GardenNecklaceYokohama #YamashitaPark #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #アジサイ #全国都市緑化よこはまフェア #山下公園 #横浜 #PentaxKS2
Lily of the Nile (African Lily) on display at Yamashita Park for the the 33rd National Urban Greenery Fair (Garden Necklace Yokohama 2017).
ISO 200 at ƒ/7.1 for 1/50 sec.
#lily #AfricanLily #LilyoftheNile #GardenNecklaceYokohama #YamashitaPark #Yokohama #ユリ #アフリカンリリー #全国都市緑化よこはまフェア #山下公園 #横浜 #PentaxKS2
Leaves from a huge lily of the valley on display at Yamashita Park for the the 33rd National Urban Greenery Fair (Garden Necklace Yokohama 2017).
ISO 200 at ƒ/6.3 for 1/60 sec.
#leaf #LilyoftheValley #GardenNecklaceYokohama #YamashitaPark #Yokohama #葉 #すずらん #全国都市緑化よこはまフェア #山下公園 #横浜 #PentaxKS2
Bronze dome of the Indian Memorial Fountain--donated to the city of Yokohama in 1939 by a local cooperative of Indians to express gratitude to the Japanese who helped Indians caught in the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, as well as a memorial to those who perished.
ISO 400 at ƒ/11 for 1/200 sec.
#IndianMemorialFountain #IndianWaterFountain #domeroof #memorial #YamashitaPark #Yokohama #インド水塔 #丸いドーム状の屋根 #山下公園 #横浜 #PentaxKS2
Yokohama Landmark Tower at dusk in the Minato Mirai 21 district of Yokohama city on the shores of Yokohama Port. Tallest building in Japan until 2012 and world’s fastest elevators until 2004.
ISO 400 at ƒ/9 for 1/60 sec.
#LandmarkTower #YokohamaLandmarkTower #skyscraper #MinatoMirai #Yokohama #ランドマークタワー #横浜ランドマークタワー #超高層ビル #みなとみらい #横浜 #PentaxKS2

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