The Ryugu Sea Cave is located about 4 hours southwest of Tokyo or about half that time if you take the toll expressways. You can also access the cave in about 3 hours from Tokyo if you take the bullet train, local lines, and a bus.
Google Maps:
After getting home at around 11:00 p.m. from my day job, I took the dog for a quick walk to let her pee and poo before starting to pack my camera gear and going through my list of items not to forget.
I packed the car and we (the dog and I) left home at around 1:00 a.m. and reached the sea cave at around 5:00 a.m. There was no parking available that early in the morning, so I had to find an empty space on the side of the road that was about a 20-minute walk from the cave.
Having drove all night without a break, I was exhausted. But the second I entered the cave, all the exhaustion disappeared and I grew excited imagining what kinds of compositions I could achieve.
To be honest, I found it difficult to find a good composition at this site. If I had brought a graduated ND filter, I could have caught the beautiful blue colors of the ocean and sky that were visible from the entrance of the cave. I also struggled with how long of an exposure of the waves I wanted and was not exactly sure what f-stops would work best.
Of the shots taken, I would probably say that the first and third ones below are my favorites.
For the first shot, I wanted to create a leading line from the boulder along the reflected light and out to the exterior of the cave.
For the third shot, I tried to used the beach of rocks leading from the boulder to the opposing wall of the cave to create a leading line ending with the cinnamon-colored wall that was similar to the color of the large boulder in the foreground.
Overall, this photo shoot was a good experience as I tried to take advantage of the circular polarizer to minimize reflections from the water surface and the wet rocks (which seemed to work well in these shots).
This was also the first time I had used a 64 ND filter (6 stops of light) to create the effect of misty water. With the filter on, it was difficult to guess how long of an exposure would have been ideal. I really need to learn the maths for this or buy an app to help me do the calculation automatically.
On the way home, the dog and I were both beyond help and had to pull over to the side of the road to catch a nap for about an hour or so. We finally made it home at around 3 or 4 p.m. that evening.
It was an exhausting 32-hour day with only that 1-hour nap during the drive home. Still, I can't wait to head out for another site again in the near future.
Before ↑ and After ↓
Ryugu Sea Cave
Shot of calm waves from the Pacific Ocean washing into this sea cave on the Izu Coastline of Eastern Japan.
Pentax KP 28mm ISO 100 for 2.5 sec. at ƒ/14
#rocks #boulders #waves #cave #ocean #sea #coastline #Izu #Japan
#海 #龍宮窟 #沿岸 #海の洞窟 #下田市 #伊豆半島 #静岡県
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Before ↑ and After ↓
Cinnamon Colored
Erosion reveals multiple layers of cinnamon colored volcanic lapillus on the walls of the Ryugu Sea Cave on the Izu Coastline of Eastern Japan.
Pentax KP 18mm ISO 100 for 25 sec. at ƒ/16
#cave #wall #seacave #ocean #sea #coastline #Japan
#海 #龍宮窟 #沿岸 #海の洞窟 #下田市 #伊豆半島 #静岡県
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Before ↑ and After ↓
Collapsed Ceiling
As the waves washed in and eroded the volcanic lapillus walls, the ceiling of the cave eventually collapsed creating a huge skylight that allows you to more clearly see the contrast between the aqua blue waters and the cinnamon-colored volcanic lapillus of the cavern walls.
Pentax KP 18mm ISO 100 for 25 sec. at ƒ/16
#cave #wall #seacave #ocean #sea #coastline #Japan
#海 #龍宮窟 #沿岸 #海の洞窟 #下田市 #伊豆半島 #静岡県
Fine art prints available at
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Before ↑ and After ↓
Border Collie at Sea Cave
She found a stick that must have tasted good enough to gnaw on while I was taking shots. Either that or she was just bored waiting for me to finish up.
Pentax KP 100mm ISO 3200 for 1/160 sec. at ƒ/5.6
#BorderCollie #dog #pet #sheepdog #companion #ocean #Izu #RyuguSeaCave #Japan
#ボーダーコリー #犬 #ペット #牧畜犬 #愛犬 #海 #龍宮窟 #伊豆半島 #静岡県
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Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available at Caubarrere Piché LLC.
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