Left home at around 10:00 a.m. and reached the 5th station of the Gotemba trailhead that leads to the peak of Mt. Fuji at 3:30 in the afternoon. Although there are many other trailheads, this is the only one that I was familiar with that had a parking lot. In fact, this is the same trailhead I took to climb Mt. Fuji back around 1985 or 1986.
Although the trailhead was closed to vehicular traffic, I was able to find a rest area on the side of the highway about 3 or 4 kilometers from the trail head. I parked the car and hiked up to the trailhead where I was able to find the exact landscape that I was looking for--solemn dark volcanic rock and ash enveloped in mist and fog rolling down from the upper slopes of Mt. Fuji.
My border collie took full advantage of this trip to chase some deer we saw grazing along the way.
Taking long exposure shots was a bit difficult since the fog was moving fast and engulfing the trees as I was setting up the tripod. My faithful dog happily took a rest from chasing deer and patiently waited for me to take numerous shot at various apertures and exposure times.
Here are original shots taken in camera and the following edits using Adobe Lightroom:
Fog on Mt. Fuji
Pentax KP 18 mm ISO 100 at ƒ/22 for 5 sec.
#MountFuji #MtFuji #fog #trees #basalt #volcano #Gotemba5thStation #Japan
#富士山 #霧 #富士山の植物 #玄武岩 #火山 #富士山御殿場口五合目 #静岡県
Fine art prints available at pix4japan.darkroom.tech.
Lonely Trees on Mt. Fuji
Pentax KP 28 mm ISO 100 for 5 sec. at ƒ/22
#MountFuji #MtFuji #fog #tree #basalt #volcano #Gotemba5thStation #Japan
#富士山 #霧 #富士山の植物 #玄武岩 #火山 #富士山御殿場口五合目 #静岡県
Fine art prints available at pix4japan.darkroom.tech.
Border Collie on Mt. Fuji
Pentax KP 115 mm ISO 800 for 1/25 sec. at ƒ/5.6
#BorderCollie #dog #pet #sheepdog #companian #volcano #MtFuji #Japan
#ボーダーコリー #犬 #ペット #牧畜犬 #愛犬 #火山 #富士山 #静岡県
Fine art prints available at pix4japan.darkroom.tech.
Bank of Trees
Pentax KP 40 mm ISO 100 for 1.0 sec. at ƒ/13
#MountFuji #MtFuji #fog #tree #basalt #volcano #Gotemba5thStation #Japan
#富士山 #霧 #富士山の植物 #玄武岩 #火山 #富士山御殿場口五合目 #静岡県
Fine art prints available at pix4japan.darkroom.tech.
Moss-Covered Tree Trunks
Pentax KP 31 mm ISO 100 for 2.5 sec. at ƒ/5.6
#MountFuji #MtFuji #moss #trees #forest #woodland #fog #mist #Japan
#富士山 #霧 #富士山の植物 #木 #森 #富士山御殿場口五合目 #静岡県
Fine art prints available at pix4japan.darkroom.tech.
Foggy Dirt Road on Mt. Fuji
Pentax KP 18 mm ISO 100 for 15 sec. at ƒ/22
#MountFuji #MtFuji #road #trees #forest #woodland #fog #mist #Japan
#富士山 #霧 #砂利の登山道 #木 #森 #富士山御殿場口五合目 #静岡県
Fine art prints available at pix4japan.darkroom.tech.

Pix4Japan by Iketani, Daisei is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available at Caubarrere Piché LLC.
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